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Farm Event Ticketing

Create a free account and start selling tickets online in minutes with our intuitive ticketing platform. Use the power of our system to sell out events, promote your farm, and get paid lightning fast.


Ticketing features ripe for the picking

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Easy-to-use platform

Whether you have a full team behind you or are flying solo, our super simple registration system makes it easy to sign up for a free account, sell out tickets, and manage your farm festival ticketing from anywhere.

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No service tiers

Every farm can use our free platform for any attraction, from apple picking to sunflower gardens. Unlike our competitors, there's never a surcharge to use our full feature set!

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Friendly, local support

Need a helping hand? TicketLeap is here! If you need help setting up your event, want to talk admissions strategies, or just need someone to bounce ideas off of, our Australian team is here to help!


How to sell tickets to your farm attraction

You need a ticketing platform that's as welcoming as your farm. With our easy-to-use farm attraction ticketing software, you can create a branded event page and go live in just a few simple steps.

    1. Sign up for your free account
    2. Create an event page
    3. Launch your ticket sales
    4. Welcome attendees to your event
    5. Get paid fast
Strawberry Fields Fake Event AU Vs

A ticketing platform you'll fall for

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Branded event pages

Build your perfect farm event ticketing page complete with a full event calendar display for an easy buying experience.

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Timed entry

Control capacity and sell tickets at individual time slots separated by minutes, hours, or days.

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Email campaigns

Send out emails to your customers with important event details, discount codes, and more.

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Onsite ticketing

Use our event farm check-in app to sell more tickets at the gate and quickly scan in your attendees.

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Waivers & registration

Collect valuable customer info and tease what your event has in store right within the checkout form itself.

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Smart reporting

Run a wide range of reports and connect marketing services like Google Analytics to discover more about your buyers.

Simple, straightforward pricing

When you sell tickets on our platform, our fees are just $1 + 5% of the ticket price. Pass those fees onto your buyers and it's totally free for you to sell tickets online! And remember, free events are always free with TicketLeap!

Create a free account and start selling tickets today!
