
Event Listing

How to Build Your TicketLeap Page (Plus Event Landing Page Examples!)

You've successfully set up your free TicketLeap account, congratulations! Now it’s time for the fun part: creating a great event landing page and getting those tickets live and ready to sell. Your customers’ first impression of your event page can make or break their decision to follow through with their purchase, so you want to take extra care to build it the right way. What makes for the perfect event page design, you might be wondering? We’re glad you asked! As you build your page on TicketLeap and get more eyes on your event listing, follow these tips and check out our event landing page examples to help you sell more tickets.

How do I create an event landing page?

It's easy! Simply sign up for a TicketLeap account, give us your basic event information, and you're ready for lift off. Once you have logged into your account, click on the "Create Event" button and fill in all your important event details such as its name, event date, start and end times, and location. You can add in venues or pull a saved location from previous events on your page. Be sure to add a few types of event categories too so potential attendees in your target audience are able to more easily find it. Add your event's capacity and select from various ticket types (free, paid, and pay-what-you-want) to further build out your unique landing page. From there, it's a matter of inserting all your key details and encouraging visitors to buy their tickets!

Screenshot of the signup form for creating event landing pages on TicketLeap

What makes good event landing pages?

Once you've got all the essential elements added in, now it's time to flesh everything out with our helpful tips for creating a successful event landing page!

1. Use attention-grabbing images & videos

What’s the first thing that immediately captures visitors' attention on your event page? Your header image! Use this space as an opportunity to give a snapshot into your event. The more exciting the image, the more interested your audience will be (and more likely to purchase tickets). Showcase attendees having a blast at a past event, a notable guest sharing a laugh with the audience, or a branded graphic that showcases your lineup of performances and activities. Plus, on top of your main image, TicketLeap makes it easy to add other photos alongside your event description, so you can show off a highlight reel of everything you have to offer. You can also embed videos to truly showcase your events and persuade more potential attendees to buy their tickets. And remember, make sure all your images are high resolution – the clearer, the better. By doing some simple editing, using a tripod, and testing different camera angles, you can really bolster your event photography.

The title, call-to-action button, and header image of the main event landing page example

2. Put your description to good use

This is the heart of your event listing, so make it count! Lead with a hook to get customers interested and highlight the most interesting key details of your event. Include what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, and what your attendees will get out of it. Your event description should be the place where you're educating potential customers on what they're going to get from you and convincing them they need to see it for themselves! To make the biggest impact, discuss only the most exciting aspects of your festivities. Use the dynamic formatting like headers, bulleted lists, bold text, and italics to create event landing pages that are easy to catch all your key event details at a glance. You could even add in some testimonials from previous event attendees or a brief bio to build social proof. If someone’s on your page, they’re already interested in what you have to offer, so give them the highlights and then stand back to let them buy.

The description section of an event registration landing page including an image of a woman making pottery

3. Level up your event page with more features

To build the best event landing page possible, you need to make the most of all the features TicketLeap has to offer. For example, if you’re hosting multiple dates at your event, showcase all your dates at once with an event calendar directly on your listing. Offer multiple ticket types (general admission, VIP, senior discount, etc.) for a single event to cater to multiple audiences and bring in more money. At checkout, include a questionnaire to gain more insights on your attendees or a waiver for your event attendees to sign. Finally, add your finishing touches to match your branding on your page's background, your call to action buttons, and more. You should even consider selling add-ons like exclusive merchandise and parking passes, to pad your bottom line and give your attendees an even better event experience.

4. Double up for mobile

Did you know that over 60% of the traffic to your event page is likely from a mobile device? If most of your audience is visiting your event listing from their phones, it’s vital that your page looks great on any mobile or desktop device. TicketLeap has already done all the heavy lifting for you to make sure your ticketing page is mobile-friendly, so all you need to do is double check that you like how your images are cropped and how your event description is formatted.

The mobile event page design for a pottery event landing page example

5. Make it easy to contact you

Sometimes, your more curious potential buyers will need a few more details before sealing the deal. In these cases, make it as easy as possible for them to talk to your team directly and get quick answers. Including an email address on your TicketLeap event listing shows that you’re willing to go the extra mile for them. You should also include links to your social media accounts within your landing page so they can check out even more of your event and stay up-to-date as your event gets closer.

The contact information section at the bottom of an event landing page example

6. Share, share, share!

The best way to get people onto your event landing page is with eye-catching marketing campaigns that stop them in their tracks. That means sharing your TicketLeap event listing everywhere – in your social media bios, on your event’s website, on social posts, in emails, as QR codes on flyers, and anywhere else you can think of! With TicketLeap, you'll already have a QR code automatically generated for you to help raise event awareness. On top of being where you sell tickets, think of this as a landing page for event promotion as well! As people start talking more about your event and recommending it to their friends, your listing will be ready and easy for them to share, getting more people excited about your event and eager to buy tickets.

Additional event landing page examples

To help you get the ball rolling, here's a few event landing page examples to help you in your event planning!

Example 1: Music event

This dedicated event landing page is a great example of capturing all the details of what to expect from your upcoming event and encouraging visitors to get their tickets! It's welcoming and to the point, with a sleek and well branded event page design that drives people to your call to action button.

A great event landing page for a a music festival featuring an image of someone playing guitar

Example 2: Theatre company

This event landing page uses an embedded video to really capture people's attention, incorporates a testimonial in bold text to add social proof, and lays out all the important event details for potential attendees without getting too in the weeds. The branding of this page perfectly matches the spooky tone of this event as well!

A successful event landing page example for a scary play at a theater company including a video of a butcher

Example 3: Art workshop

This meticulously crafted landing page uses a vibrant photo to really make the page pop! As an event marketer, you want your pages to be drawn in from first glance not just in what you say, but in how it looks. This web page also lays out all of the details in an easy-to-scan way by using headers, bullet points, and even some emojis!

Event landing page example of an art workshop featuring an image of a paintbrush and bright pink paint strokes

Wrapping up

Now, it's time to build your own event landing page! With TicketLeap by your side, you’ll be fully equipped to build the best event landing page possible for all your upcoming events. Now, let your creative juices flow as you master the art of crafting a high converting event landing page, then watch those ticket sales roll in!

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